River Health
The river is a complex ecosystem with endless bio-geo-chemical interactions. Inside this large system, nature has established the mutual balance between chemical and physical components, organic and inorganic substances, micro and mammoth organisms.
In common belief, we consider the river to be a stream of fresh water. The river and its basin together make up the body of the river simultaneous with the human personality, with the holistic view of mind and body. The biggest representative of river health is the condition and population of indigenous species of fish and other living organisms. River Health can be framed as ‘The propensity of an aquatic ecosystem to support and maintain key ecological diversity without hampering the habitat within the region.’
The actual state of health of the river can be reflected by the indigenous species inhabiting the said river and not by the exotic species which are being introduced for commercial gain.
In this criterion, river water quality, vegetative ratio, nutrients, minerals, flows, slopes, morphology can be found in assessing the health of the river. For example, if there is a change in morphology, then the habitat of some organisms will be affected. If the water quality drops, the survival of some species will be threatened.
cGanga’s river health assessment and improvement studies focus on four key areas: geomorphology, hydrology, water quality, and biological profile.
In addition, river health is also connected with natural and manmade surface and subsurface water bodies in the basin, and particularly in the river-floodplain. Thus cGanga’s river health assessment and improvement studies cover six additional areas: subsurface or groundwater, wetlands, lakes, reservoirs, canals, rivulets, and streams.