Centre of Excellence and Comprehensive Think-Tank

The center for Ganga River Basin Management and Studies (cGanga) is a Brain Trust devoted to River Science and River Basin Management. The center is committed to restoring and conserving rivers and water resources through collation of information and knowledge, research and development, planning, monitoring, education, advocacy, and engagement with stakeholders. Established in 2016 at IIT Kanpur, it serves as a knowledge wing of central and state governments in India on all the aspects related to river conservation, rejuvenation, and management of the river basin.

Safaigiri Awards 2019

The ZDTS toilets may look like conventional mobile toilets, but the collection and processing of water is entirely different. The solid and liquid matter are segregated by a separator fixed under the toilet seat. The liquid is clarified and treated to be used for flushing purposes, thus avoiding the use of freshwater for flushing, while the solids are converted into quality organic manure using vermicomposting

Centre of Excellence and Comprehensive Think-Tank

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We work for Rivers and natural water sources

3 weeks ago

क्या आप जानते हैं कि भारत में कुल 1,382 द्वीप हैं, इनमें से कई द्वीप अतुलनीय सौंदर्य के धनी हैं।#incredibleindia #islandsofindia ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Exotic ornamental fish, aquatic plants, and small pets are being sold across various states like Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, New Delhi, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal. While they may look beautiful, many are now evolving into invasive species!For example, fish like mosquito fish, tilapia, giant gourami, guppies, and platyfish have been spotted in the Chalakudy River, located in the Western Ghats—a biodiversity hotspot! 🌍 These species could pose a threat to the delicate balance of the ecosystem.Let’s stay informed and make responsible choices when it comes to our pets! 🐠🌱 #InvasiveSpecies #Biodiversity #ProtectNature #responsiblepetownership ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

यह है निजाम सागर बांध। यह तेलंगाना का सबसे पुराना बांध हैं, इसका निर्माण गोदावरी की सहायक नदी मंजीरा पर सन् 1931 में करवाया था। #damsofindia #WaterConservation #historyofwaterconservation ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

As per India's first **Water Bodies Census**, Maharashtra shines as the top state for water conservation schemes, making a significant impact in preserving its ponds, lakes, and reservoir#WaterConservationa#maharashtras#JalShaktih#sustainabilityility ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Don't kill but conquer the Ravana in#HappyDussehrasehra ... See MoreSee Less
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